series 1

I feel the feelings of everyone around me. That includes non-human animals. We all want love and deserve to live a life of freedom. To live a compassionate life is to live a life with others feelings in mind.
To live selflessly and morally is the backbone to all of the decisions I make, be it what I eat and purchase, the words I speak, and everything I do.

- Blue Lolan

series 2


Although there may be a collective consciousness and overall energy of the world, I am the only me that there is. No other being has experienced the exact life I have. My interests, words, actions, and style come from me, and my heart. No one in our life is constant, so what is the use of appeasing people, and being inauthentic, when they are just going to leave eventually? When I connect with others, I am drawn to genuine and innovative people. It doesn’t matter WHAT they are doing, as long as it comes from them 100% that makes them authentic.

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